One of the best places that you can go to for your health and fitness is the gym. However, despite how amazing it is, there are certain hidden hazards that are lurking in gyms regardless of how clean and well-maintained they are. You can take preventative steps to ensure safety when you recognise these risks. Therefore, we are highlighting five hidden dangers in a gym.
1. Germs on Shared Equipment
Gyms are typically busy with people unless it is not a well-known workout spot. When gyms are bustling with members who all share the same equipment, such as weights, benches, and machines, this equipment becomes a hotspot for bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
According to research, you can find pathogens like *Staphylococcus aureus* (staph), *Escherichia coli* (E. coli), and even influenza and norovirus on common gym surfaces. If you contract any of these, it can result in skin infections, stomach issues, or even respiratory illnesses.
Even though many gyms encourage wiping down equipment after use, not everyone follows this safety procedure. Therefore, to avoid bacteria, you should clean the equipment with disinfectant wipes before and after you use it. Another safety precaution is using a towel instead of lying directly on gym equipment. Lastly, washing your hands immediately after your workout will get rid of the bacteria.
2. Poor Air Quality
Popular gyms can get crowded quickly, which can lead to poor indoor air quality. Even when some gyms only have a few members, poor air quality can occur if they are poorly ventilated. Over time, you can develop respiratory issues from being constantly exposed to poor air quality and breathing in indoor pollutants such as carbon dioxide, cleaning chemicals, and mould from locker rooms.
Therefore, it is best to choose gyms that are ventilated properly or have open windows. You can also avoid poorly ventilated spaces that are crowded by going to the gym when it is not in its peak hours.

3. Risk of Slips, Trips, and Falls
It is very possible to trip and fall unexpectedly at the gym. You can slip in spilt water, fall over poorly maintained equipment, or enter cluttered spaces. There is also the possibility of falling in locker rooms that have slippery floors due to their proximity to the showers. Therefore, you should be mindful of your surroundings and consider wearing non-slip footwear.
4. Improper Equipment Usage
Not using the gym equipment properly can lead to severe injuries. There are a number of complex machines, including squat racks, rowing machines, or cable systems, that you should have the proper knowledge about or the proper guidance before attempting to use them. To prevent sprains or worse injuries from using equipment that is not properly adjusted to your body size capacity, you should seek assistance. You should also start with lighter weights and get a personal trainer to assist you throughout your journey.
5. Chemical Exposure from Cleaning Products
Having a clean workout space is crucial, but frequent exposure to chemicals can have certain risks. These facilities need to maintain proper gym hygiene by cleaning regularly. Although doing so gets rid of any bacteria, viruses, or fungi on gym equipment and surfaces, you can also develop skin irritation, respiratory issues, and allergies from being exposed to the cleaning chemicals for a long period, especially if the space is enclosed and poorly ventilated. Carrying your disinfecting wipes can help to prevent this, and you can also avoid going to the gym during peak hours, which is when most cleaning will occur.
When you start your fitness journey and start working out at the gym, you can accomplish so much, including building strength, and cardiovascular health, and relieving stress. With your mind fixed on reaching your goal, you should also remember the importance of maintaining health by avoiding the hidden dangers in the gym. Along with fitness, the ultimate goal should be preserving your health and well-being for the long term.