When you are on a health or fitness journey, there are certain foods that are avoided to ensure you stay healthy and achieve your desired goal. The general belief is that some foods are completely unhealthy for you and should be removed from your diet. While there are certain foods with unhealthy properties if they are consumed in large amounts, studies from nutritionists have revealed that there are also health benefits in many “unhealthy” foods when consumed in moderation. Today, we will explore some common foods that, despite their reputation, might just increase your health.

1. Chicken Thighs
When you are feeling for chicken while considering your health, the most popular choice would be to purchase chicken breasts, as they are low in fat. However, if you cheated your meal plan and ate juicy chicken thighs, you should not feel too guilty because the difference in fat found in chicken thighs compared to chicken breasts is minimal. Chicken breasts contain 180 calories and 1 gram of saturated fat, while chicken thighs possess approximately 200 calories and 2.6 grams of saturated fat. Additionally, chicken thighs contain higher iron properties, which boosts your energy and immunity.

2. Sourdough Bread
Sourdough is considered among the unhealthy foods, but it is made using a natural fermentation process, and it contains a lower glycaemic index when compared to other white breads. As a result, sourdough bread raises blood sugar levels gradually. This slower absorption is the result of the fermented flour and water starter used in the sourdough, producing beneficial acids during the rising process. Therefore, if you are seeking to stabilise blood sugar, eating sourdough bread is better than consuming regular white bread.

3. Leftover pasta, rice, and potatoes
Many people prefer to toss out leftovers because they are considered to be “unhealthy”foods. However, if you have a bowl of pasta, rice, or potatoes sitting in the refrigerator, some of the starch in these foods has been transformed into a type of fibre known as resistant starch. The resistant starch differs from regular starch because it can be broken down in the large intestine and it promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria.
According to research, resistant starch can help regulate blood sugar levels. It is also said that it may help prevent weight gain and certain types of cancer. It was also reported that cooled rice contains twice the amount of resistant starch that freshly cooked rice has. Hence, it is believed that cooled rice leads to a smaller blood sugar response.

4. Popcorn
Popcorn is also among the unhealthy foods, but what makes popcorn unhealthy is the butter and excess salt it is coated in. If you remove those two factors, popcorn is one of the healthiest snack options. Popcorn is high in fibre, meaning it slows digestion and keeps you feeling full longer. Three cups of this whole grain contain 3.5 grams of fibre for just 91 calories. Popcorn might even help to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol because it is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols, specifically ferulic acid.

5. Coleslaw
Some people might have some doubts regarding whether coleslaw is healthy. The side dish is indeed packed with nutritional benefits, as the main ingredient is cabbage. Cabbage is a source of fibre, vitamin C, and glucosinolates, all of which protect cells from damage linked to cancer. While you might raise your eyebrows in question about the creamy mayo dressing that is used in coleslaw, it is relatively low in saturated fat. Therefore, eating coleslaw is a far healthier option than eating other high-fat, low-nutrient side dishes.

6. Dark Chocolate
It may be surprising to know that not all dark chocolate has some properties that are healthy and beneficial. Dark chocolate contains at least 70% cacao and is also rich in antioxidants, including heart-healthy polyphenols, fibre, and magnesium. According to studies, if you enjoy dark chocolate in moderation, it might support cardiovascular health by improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure.

7. Coffee
Coffee lovers will be happy to know that having coffee in moderation is healthy. Research suggests coffee may contain beneficial antioxidants and that drinking approximately three to five cups per day has been associated with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases, including stroke, type 2 diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. It is also reported that coffee may enhance cognitive function and physical performance when consumed before exercise.
While the reputation of these foods is that they are “unhealthy,” consuming them in moderation can be beneficial. Along with moderation, how you prepare these foods is a huge factor. In conclusion, if you are having these foods in mindful amounts, you can enjoy them without feeling guilt.