Author: Kera

A proud Jamaican with a keen eye for powerful stories, I am a writer driven by the art of telling tales that inspire, inform, and captivate. With a deep passion for delivering news that resonates, I make it my mission to offer a refreshing perspective on the world around us. Whether diving into global headlines or exploring the vibrant world of entertainment, I am dedicated to providing transparent, credible, and thought-provoking content. My work bridges the gap between local insights and international conversations, offering readers a unique blend of perspectives that keep them engaged and informed. Join me on this journey where storytelling meets authenticity and news becomes a source of inspiration.

As technology continues to advance, the impressive changes online, including social media, makes our daily lives more entertaining. Social media provides us with educational new insights daily and helps us to connect with people around the world. However, getting sucked into our devices can have some alarming impacts on our lives as well. Here, we will dive into some of the impacts of social media.  1. Shorter Attention Spans Are on the Rise One of the most popular things to do on our devices is use social media. Social media is filled with bite-sized information that young people are increasingly…

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There are many unique and unusual festivals around the world, reflecting various cultures. You might be familiar with festivals like Diwali or the Lunar New Year, but there are far weirder festivals that would shock you. 1. Hair Freezing Contest (Canada) In Canada, people enjoy participating in the International Hair Freezing Contest. During the annual festival, participants at Takhini Hot Pools in Yukon dip their hair into the warm spring water. Afterwards, they wait for the -20°C air to freeze their hair to the point where icicles are formed. The strangest part of the contest is how these participants win,…

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Vendetta fans are happy to be graced with a new music video from their beloved dancehall artist, Alkaline. After not releasing a music video in eight months, the prominent Deejay released the visuals to his single Blanco. Blanco, released Wednesday (November 13, 2024), has since garnered over 43,000 views on YouTube. The audio track was released on September 22, 2024, and has since amassed over 714,000 views on the platform. Blanco is produced by Ajus DiVybz and Autobamb Records. The song is centred on the lavish lifestyle that Alkaline lives and how he treats his woman to a luxurious lifestyle.…

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Vybz Kartel is getting ready to take his Gaza fans into the new year with a bang with his Freedom Street Concert. The World Boss was seen rehearsing for the highly anticipated event in a short video that was shared online and has since been circulating. The video features him vigorously singing Touch A Button Nuh with prominent selector MC Nuffy adding to the energy. A different clip shows him performing another one of his classics, So Me A Say, while shirtless. Vybz Kartel addressed his fans after his four-hour-long rehearsal ended and showed that he was drenched in sweat.…

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If someone asks the question, how do we burn calories? The typical response will be exercises such as running, swimming, or lifting weights. However, our bodies burn calories in many other ways that are very strange and surprisingly mundane. Here are seven bizarre ways in which our bodies are constantly burning calories.  1. Laughing As strange as it might sound, a good laugh is healthy for you in more than one way. Aside from lifting your mood, reducing stress, and releasing feel-good hormones like endorphins, laughing also burns calories. This is due to the increase in heart rate and muscle…

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The human brain has several functions, and some of these contribute to how we learn, remember, and adapt. While the brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body, understanding how it processes information can help make learning more efficient and enjoyable. Today, we are diving into five surprising facts about how your brain learns. 1. Your brain physically changes when you learn. It might sound strange that the brain undergoes physical changes, but this happens when the brain cells, neurones, form or strengthen existing connections when we learn something new. Connections are how the brain cells…

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The world is constantly changing due to climate change, which is drastically affecting islands. Particularly low-lying islands are affected by rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and extreme weather conditions. As a result, some of these islands that have unique ecosystems and tropical paradises are slowly sinking and may be completely gone in the future. Here is a list of five “disappearing” islands. 1. Maldives In the Indian Ocean, there is a beautiful chain of over 1000 islands called the Maldives that boasts turquoise waters, coral reefs, and luxury resorts. With an average elevation of just 1.5 meters above sea level,…

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Tuesday morning (November 12, 2024) is met by the synchronised shouts of the workers from Secrets Hotel in protest. The staff gathered on the street of Freeport in Montego, St. James, marching in protest for an increase in salary. The protest was being steamed live on TikTok around 9:00 a.m., where it has so far attracted the attention of over 200 viewers. In the live stream, it appears that there are over a dozen protesters taking a stand against the poor conditions that they have been working in. The frustrated shouts of the staff can be heard, declaring that they…

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Exploring new places and cultures can be a dream come true, but not in all places. Some destinations around the world have enforced strict bans to keep tourists out, whether due to cultural restrictions, environmental concerns, or safety issues. Today, we are exploring 6 locations that are too dangerous or sensitive for outsiders to visit. 1. Okinoshima, Japan Okinoshima is first on the list of places travelers are banned from visiting, but the ban only applies to women. Okinoshima is a secluded island located off the coast of Kyushu in Japan. A sacred Shinto site called Okitsu Shrine, which is…

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When you think of a school, you might imagine standard classrooms filled with desks and chairs, whiteboards, books, tests, homework, and exams. However, several schools around the world do not match that description, as they approach education differently. Here, we will discuss 6 schools that offer a surprisingly unique way of teaching students. 1. Dongzhong Mid-Cave Primary School, China In the stunning lands of China, there is a cave that is used by schoolchildren. This school is called Dongzhong Mid-Cave Primary School, and it is located within a natural limestone cave in Miao village. In 1984, there was a lack…

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