Dancehall veteran Beenie Man says his daughter lied and hurt his feelings when he addressed the comments Desha Davis made. Desha accused him of being a horrible father to his children following a dispute they had earlier this year. She made several allegations, including that he puts his female companions over his children and that he did not financially support her.
However, Beenie Man was asked about Desha’s comments during an interview on The Breakfast Club, leading him to express that his daughter’s words hurt him. Beenie Man, who was at the New York-based radio station to promote his upcoming “King of the Dancehall” tour, indicated that he was surprised when Desha made the allegations online. “Sometimes the people that you think aren’t gonna do certain things, they’re the ones that surprise you,” he said.
When asked if Desha’s words hurt his feelings, he responded, “Yeah of course,” and added, “Only your own kid can make you feel a certain way. When you dedicate your life to take care of a person and the person dedicates their life to bringing you down, you’re gonna be hurt.”
He said the comments initially hurt him, but he has moved past that. He was also asked if they are on good terms, to which he said, “She’s good. She’s a thirty-odd-year-old woman, so she knows the balance of herself.”
He went on to indicate that Desha lashed out because she did not get what she wanted at the time that she asked for it by saying, “It’s always one thing or the other. Someone asks for one thing and didn’t get it at the time that they want it and just take it out on you, but yours is yours and you work for yours so all you have to do it be humble, mild it down and know that’s your daughter.
He also said that the claims Desha made were all lies. “She speaks foul things and things that she’s not supposed to speak, and those are all lies. It’s not true,” he continued.
Desha spoke out against her father on social media in February. She claimed that there have been many incidents with her father that she kept a secret, but a dispute with a house gift was the final straw. The dispute stemmed from her father reportedly promising her a home space and then retracting the offer.
She claimed he took the property back when she started showing interest in it because his fiancée, Camille McIntosh, encouraged him to do so. She also claimed that all Beenie Man has done for his children is pay for their school fees.