Many people consistently get sick no matter how much they rest. It can be puzzling and perplexing not knowing why you frequently experience fatigue, sniffles, and body aches. Factors like lifestyle, genetics, and environment can contribute to frequent illness. Making necessary changes can combat sickness and have you feeling refreshed and energised in no time. In today’s article, we will delve into some potential reasons why you may frequently feel under the weather and how to break the cycle.
1. Poor Diet: You Are What You Eat
Your immune system keeps you healthy by fighting off bacteria and keeping illnesses at bay. For optimal function, the immune system needs proper nutrition. A poor diet of processed foods, refined sugar, and unhealthy fats weakens the immune system. These foods also cause inflammation and gut imbalances, which can make you ill.
Remedy: Lower your intake of unhealthy foods and add more nutritious meals to your diet. Focus on having a balanced diet with whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Eat whole grains instead of refined carbs. Add probiotics (like yoghurt and kimchi) to your diet because they promote gut health. Additionally, it is important to stay hydrated.
2. Vitamin D Deficiency: The Sunshine Vitamin Dilemma
Your immune system also relies on vitamin D, which strengthens it. Given that our primary source of vitamin D is the sun, many people have inadequate levels of it. People who mostly remain indoors are often at risk of having vitamin D deficiency.
Remedy: Take a stroll outside and get at least 10-15 minutes of direct sunlight exposure daily to soak in vitamin D. If you can’t do this, consider eating more foods rich in vitamin D, such as salmon, eggs, and fortified dairy. You can also consider supplementation
3. Dehydration: More Than Just Thirst
Your body needs water to function properly. Not drinking enough water will negatively impact your immune system. It can also lead to chronic dehydration, which causes fatigue, headaches, and a high risk of infections.
Remedy: ensure that you stay hydrated throughout the day. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day. However, how much you should drink depends on factors like activity level and climate. You can add water-rich foods to your diet instead of consistently chugging down water. You can try fruits like cucumbers, oranges, and watermelon.
4. Sleep Deprivation: The Silent Immune Killer
Many people are not getting enough rest, whether working late or using social media. However, sleep is crucial because that is when your body repairs itself. Poor sleep quality can lead to chronic sleep deprivation, which can cause inflammation, a weakened immune defence, and high-stress levels.
Remedy: Aim to get at least 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night so our body can feel refreshed in the morning. Try creating a calming bedtime routine that triggers rest mode in your body. You can do this by putting away your devices before bed, avoiding screen time and ensuring your environment is cool, dark, and noise-free. You can also try magnesium or herbal teas, which help with sleeping.
5. Poor Hand Hygiene: A Simple but Overlooked Habit
Failing to wash your hands is one of the easiest ways to get sick. Germs are everywhere, especially in public places. We come in contact with these germs every day, and it is up to us to get rid of them by practising proper hygiene. If you don’t wash your hands, countless germs can enter your body and cause infections.
Remedy: Incorporate the habit of washing your hands with soap after visiting public places. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Ensure that you wash your hands every time before you eat. Consider carrying a hand sanitiser to use in places where soap is not available.