A father is crying out for justice after his four-year-old daughter passed away following surgery at the Bustamante Hospital for Children in Kingston, Jamaica. The father blames the hospital for being negligent and claims that the doctors have been lying to him about his daughter’s condition for a long time.
According to the grieving father who spoke to vlogger Andre Stephenson, his daughter was in the hospital to undergo surgery to remove a tumour. He said that he was told doctors informed him that the child, Alexandrianna, had a severe tumour, the size of an orange, pressing on her spine. He was informed that the surgery was a success and that all the tumour was removed, but she was on life support.
However, on January 1, he was told that the child passed away. When he went to retrieve the body from the hospital, he said the doctors were against him doing a private autopsy. The father indicated that when he retrieved the body, his daughter’s hands and feet were swollen and blood was running from her ears. The autopsy revealed that the four-year-old died a long time ago from blood clots in several places on her body, but the doctors at the hospital had told him she went brain dead.
The forensic pathologist also informed him that the girl should have gotten anticoagulants, also known as blood thinners, to combat the blood clots. The father stated that the private autopsy revealed that only a piece of the tumour was removed, and if she had survived, she would have suffered.
According to the father, her organs were already decaying, particularly her liver, signifying that she passed away long before he was informed. He broke into tears while speaking and recounted visiting his daughter while she was on life support and kissing her, unaware that he was kissing a corpse.
He described the healthcare providers as “wicked people” who were more concerned about their mobile devices than the well-being of patients. He stated that the incident has significantly affected his mentality and his hiding the death of little Alexandianna from her sister, who is also a child, to prevent her from facing the harsh reality.
Listen to the interview with the father below: