The internet has been buzzing about the paternity of Jamaican TikToker Anna’s son, Wilbert. Anna’s boyfriend, who goes by Red Ants, was initially said to be the father, but there have always been speculations that her ex-boyfriend, Odaine, maybe the father. The speculations got intense with Anna’s mother, Annie, insisting Red Ants is not the biological father of the baby.
The public also cracked down on the inconsistencies in Anna’s stories regarding her love life. Amid the paternity drama that has been publicised through TikTok, another man was also mentioned as a potential father, fuelling the speculation that Anna does not know who the father of her child is.
As the paternity saga continues to take over Jamaican TikTok, Red Ants has come forward expressing that he does not care if the child is not his, arguing that many of the children Red Ants previously said that an associate warned him that he may not be the father, fuelling rumours that he knows the child is not his. Rumours have also stated that the reason why Red Ants is accepting the “Jacket” he was given is because the baby is generating money on TikTok.

Red Ants claimed that he did a DNA test and was awaiting the results, but Annie spoke out against him, denying that a paternity test was done. Red Ants and Annie have been feuding online and arguing back and forth, with Red Ants lashing out that Annie is a horrible mother who is obsessed with destroying his relationship and Annie voicing her dislike for him because he allegedly physically abuses her daughter, which is another reason why she does not want him to raise someone else’s child.

However, Anna has constantly denied being physically assaulted by Red Ants and has recently claimed her eyes get swollen from crying. At the same time, her mother blames Red Ants for her daughter’s swollen eyes. Her mother also urged the public to remember that Red Ants initially lashed out at Anna when he discovered she was pregnant and told her to have an abortion.
Red Ants, who was in a relationship with someone else at the time, angrily shared that Anna claimed she was pregnant only after one week of intimacy, and he said he did not want the baby. The old video of his initial reaction has also resurfaced amid the drama.