Many people have experienced some embarrassing moments due to bad breath. It is a sneaky issue that you may be unaware of until someone informs you about it. Although bad breath is a sensitive issue, it is common and easily managed. It is important to prioritize your oral hygiene to prevent bad breath. You can do several things to combat bad breath and help you maintain fresh breath, which will boost your confidence during your daily interactions. You can start implementing these practical, dentist-approved solutions to banish bad breath for good.
1. Rethink Rinsing After Brushing
Rinsing your mouth after brushing feels natural because that is what you were taught, but dentists now discourage it. Dentists have indicated that it is best to skip that final rinse and spit out the excess toothpaste. Doing this will allow the fluoride in the toothpaste, which combats bacteria, to remain on your teeth longer. While it may feel weird to taste the toothpaste still when you are through, dentists suggest that fluoride can help you have a healthier and fresher mouth.
2. Swap Out Your Toothbrush Regularly
It is important to regularly change your toothbrush, as often as every three months. Your toothbrush combats plaque and bacteria, so you should not be using it after the bristles are frayed and worn out. It is also important to disregard your old toothbrush when you are sick, preventing germs from reentering the mouth from the old brush and causing bad breath.
3. Wait Before Brushing Post-Coffee
Millions of people rely on coffee in the mornings, but coffee can lead to bad breath if you brush your teeth immediately after. When you drink coffee, your teeth’ enamel can weaken temporarily. Rather than brushing your teeth, dentists have urged people to rinse their mouths with water and wait for no less than 30 minutes before brushing. Brushing your teeth right after coffee can cause damage to your teeth and make your breath worse.
4. Prioritize Tongue Cleaning
Your tongue plays a significant role in your breath. Bacteria can linger on your tongue, causing bad breath. To prevent this, it is important to thoroughly clean your tongue. Consider cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper or your toothbrush twice a day. This will promote a fresh mouth.
5. Chew on Fresh Herbs
Chewing fresh herbs can help improve your breath significantly. Parsley, mint, and basil are just as effective at freshening your mouth as they are in cooking. These herbs are natural remedies for bad breath. They can neutralize odours and reduce bacteria in the mouth because of the chlorophyll and essential oil they contain.
6. Avoid Acidic Foods
Certain foods, such as acidic foods, can cause more bacteria in your mouth. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and carbonated drinks may be delicious but contain lots of acid. These acidic foods can dry out your mouth, leading to a bacteria-friendly environment. Consider limiting these foods to balance the pH in your mouth and have fresher breath.
7. Improve Gut Health
One of the key factors contributing to bad breath is poor gut health. Your digestive system determines if your breath will be good or bad. When your gut health is poor, it can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria that causes odour. When your gut health is good, you can maintain fresh breath. To improve your gut health, you can speak to a healthcare provider and add probiotics to your diet.
8. Schedule Regular Dental Checkups
Getting regular checkups at the dentist can effectively prevent bad breath, which is sometimes caused by dental issues like cavities, gum disease, or infections. This will allow you to address the issue of bad breath early. Ensuring your teeth are healthy is a great way to maintain fresh breath.