A tattoo artist was fatally shot due to an argument over the price of a tattoo. The dispute reportedly began between the tattoo artist and a woman, but the matter escalated when the woman’s boyfriend got involved.
It is alleged that the woman and the man were arguing, and she called her boyfriend.
When her boyfriend arrived at the scene, he proceeded to argue with the tattoo artist outside, which was captured on a security camera. The footage begins with the woman and a man dressed in a black shirt outside while another male, wearing a white shirt, crosses the street towards them.
The woman meets the man, who is believed to be her boyfriend, just as he reaches the sidewalk. The man has one hand at his waist, and he exchanges a few words with his girlfriend. She seemingly attempts to hold him back, but he gets past her and confronts the man in the black shirt, who is believed to be the tattoo artist. Shortly after arguing, he slaps the man, and the argument continues before he swings at him again.
He withdraws a firearm from his waist and puts it in the man’s face. Seconds later the girl addresses her boyfriend, but the confrontation continues. Not long after, the tattoo artist attempts to disarm the man by grabbing the gun, but the boyfriend removes the tattoo artist’s hand from the gun and shoots him.

The footage concludes with the woman being led across the road by her boyfriend, where they entered a vehicle. The video was shared on X on March 10 and has since amassed over 5 million views. Many viewers expressed that they should be severely punished for committing murder.
One viewer said, “Both of these people, the girl and the boy that killed the artist, get the death penalty.” Another stated, “A lot of guys are in jail because of a woman.”