Everywhere you turn, you will come across tips on how to improve your overall health and well-being. From family and friends to social media influencers, millions of people are offering advice about important healthy lifestyle changes. However, many health tips are not factual. Even worse, some health advice is harmful, but it can be challenging to distinguish the good ones from the bad. Let’s dive into some of the worst health tips you should ignore.
1. Shaving Pubic Hair is a Must
Persons who allow their pubic hairs to grow are at times criticised by society. This is because a clean shave is considered hygienic in society. However, there is nothing unhygienic about going natural. Your pubic hairs have a special function. The pubic hair is meant to protect your pubic area. It reduces friction and prevents infection. It also helps with removing sweat. Therefore, you should not feel embarrassed if you let the hair grow because it is all left to one’s preference.
2. The Elimination Diet is Great for Weight Loss
Some people recommend elimination diets to shed fat. However, the elimination diet was never meant for weight loss, and using it for that purpose can lead to health conditions like nutrient deficiencies and issues with your metabolism. Elimination diets are meant to identify food allergies and intolerances. This diet must be done under medical supervision. If you are interested in losing some weight, it is best to incorporate expert-backed techniques. Having a balanced, nutritious diet is important for you to maintain your health.
3. The Pull-Out Method Is Effective
Many people praise the pull-out method, but it is not a reliable way to prevent pregnancy. The pull-out method, also known as withdrawal, is the least effective form of contraception. Studies show that about 4% of couples who only use the pull-out method will end up with unplanned pregnancies. Another major drawback of the pull-out method is that it does not prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is best to use other forms of birth control that are more effective.
4. Focus on Exercising for Weight Loss
Some health advice is to prioritise working out over adjusting your diet when you are on a weight loss journey. This is due to a misconception of how many calories you burn while exercising compared to how many you consume. Changing your diet is more important than exercising. Burning off a high-calorie meal would take extensive hours of cardio, which would lead to exhaustion. The smart option is to change your diet, lower your calorie intake, and focus on having a balanced meal daily while you exercise regularly.
5. No Late-Night Eating
Many people are told they need to stop eating at night because it leads to weight gain. This is an old myth that has influenced many people to adjust their eating hours. However, weight gain is linked to your calorie intake. Focusing on the time you eat and not watching your calories will get you nowhere. Studies have shown that you can have a small snack that is rich in protein before bed. This will improve your muscles and prevent you from feeling hungry in the morning.
6. Your Alzheimer’s is Only Tied to Genetics
While it is true that Alzheimer’s is linked to genetics, other contributing factors can lead to this condition. You may develop Alzheimer’s due to your diet, sleep habits, and even your cognitive engagement. Studies show that people can prevent Alzheimer’s if they incorporate healthy lifestyle changes. Research indicates that the right changes in one’s lifestyle can prevent Alzheimer’s even if the disease is in their family history.