While college can be a wonderful experience, it is accompanied by several challenges that college students may find frustrating. These challenges may affect students’ academic performance and their well-being. Students at times struggle to find ways to manage these issues so they can enjoy college life and all the opportunities that it presents, such as growth and self-discovery. Today, we are taking a closer look at 5 problems college students face and how to overcome them.
1. Budgeting Challenges
One of the biggest responsibilities that students face when they go off to college is managing their finances. College often puts a strain on finances. It can be difficult to effectively manage tuition costs, housing fees, and daily expenses. Students who find themselves struggling to keep all their expenses on a tight budget will feel stressed, which can impact their well-being and their academic performance.
How to Overcome:
The best way to effectively manage money is to create a realistic budget that tracks how all the money is spent. An easy way to track income and expenses is by utilising budgeting apps. Students can also identify ways to cut back on costs, such as cooking meals instead of dining out often. They can also explore any opportunities for scholarships, grants, or part-time jobs to alleviate financial pressure.
2. Mental Health Concerns
College life can be a very stressful experience due to the academic pressures students face. Many college students around the world struggle to keep up with their studies and assignments. Isolation and homesickness are also factors that add to students feeling anxiety and depression.
How to Overcome:
To overcome anxiety and depression, college students are advised to seek help from the campus counselling services and mental health resources. They can also incorporate healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep to combat stress, depression, and anxiety. Students can also practice yoga, meditation, and other stress-relief techniques.
3. Time Management Struggles
A common complaint shared by students in college is the issue of having insufficient time to get everything done. It can be difficult to balance academics, extracurriculars, and social life. Students are often overwhelmed because of this issue. In some cases, this issue is a result of procrastination, which leads to stress and missed deadlines.
How to Overcome:
To effectively manage time, students can opt for planners or digital calendars that make it easier to keep ahead of things. They can also try breaking large projects into manageable chunks to make them easier to focus on and complete. Students are also discouraged from multitasking because it often reduces efficiency.
4. Academic Pressures
Students are often pressured to maintain good grades, handle challenging coursework, and meet high expectations. College Students struggling to keep up with their academic demands often experience stress, anxiety, and depression. They can also feel self-doubt due to all the various requirements they must meet.
How to Overcome:
To overcome academic pressures, students can practice effective study habits, like active reading and practising past papers. Joining study groups is also an effective method that allows students to gain different perspectives when it comes to complex topics. Students can also seek help from their professors or tutors to overcome complex topics.
5. Health Issues
Due to having a busy schedule, college students can experience health issues. While prioritising their academics, they forget to prioritise healthy habits. As a result, they are physically and mentally affected by poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and irregular sleep patterns.
How to Overcome:
Students can prioritise having a balanced diet with all the nutrients they need and ensure that they are eating fruits and vegetables. They can also create an exercise routine so they get a regular workout, even if it is going for a 30-minute walk one day and going for a jog another day. It is also important for students to prioritise sleep, aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep per night so that they can remain focused and energised during the day.