While travelling is an exciting adventure, various things can change a wonderful experience to a horrible one, such as getting arrested. Many countries worldwide stand out for unique laws that prohibit things that may be perfectly legal in your home country. Breaking these laws could lead to serious trouble, like hefty fines or even time in jail. To avoid an unexpected run-in with the law, here are some surprising things that could get you arrested in a different country.
1. Chewing Gum—Singapore
While you may be able to walk around chewing gum wherever you please at your home, it is prohibited in Singapore. Gum has been banned in the country since 1992. The law prohibits anyone from chewing it and importing it. This may sound strange, but this law was enacted to maintain a clean environment. However, nicotine and dental gums are allowed, but they must be prescribed. Avoid bringing gum into the country or chewing unauthorised gum in public because this can lead to hefty fines or even jail time.
2. Jaywalking – United States
Imagine going to jail because you crossed the road wrong. It may sound strange, but this law is enforced in the United States. Crossing the road where there are no pedestrian signals and crosswalks comes with consequences. In states like Los Angeles and New York, people are frequently fined for jaywalking. The fees are usually small, but if you are a repeat offender, the penalty will be greater. You could get arrested for crossing outside of designated areas. It is crucial to always pay attention to where you should cross the road by looking for crosswalks and pedestrian signals.

3. Vaping—Thailand
Vaping is marketed as a safer alternative to smoking, and many countries allow you to vape freely. However, it is not acceptable in Thailand and could lead to severe penalties. Using or possessing e-cigarettes and vaporiser devices is strictly against the law in this country. Breaking this can lead to a hefty fine or up to 10 years in prison. This law is greatly enforced, and tourists who are unaware of the strict regulations will face the same severe punishment. It is best to leave your vape at home.
4. Public Affection—United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has several strict regulations, including public affection like kissing and hugging. This may be innocent in some countries, but in the UAE, it is a serious offence, and you can face penalties for doing these things in public. You may be arrested, charged fines, or even deported for breaking this law. It is best to wait until you are in your private hotel room to make romantic gestures with your partner.
5. Drinking Alcohol at the Wrong Time—Thailand
While buying alcohol whenever you feel seems innocent, it is not in Thailand. You cannot buy alcohol whenever you want in this country. There are strict regulations outlining when alcohol must not be sold. Selling alcohol outside of 11 AM–2 PM and after 5 PM is illegal. The country also bans alcohol sales during certain religious holidays and election days. If these laws are broken, it can lead to fines or severe penalties. It is wise to check the local regulations before ordering a drink.
6. Wearing a Bikini in the Wrong Place—Spain
In some places, wearing a bikini is not a big issue, but in Spain it is offensive. Places like Barcelona and Mallorca only allow bikinis to be worn in beach areas. Wearing them anywhere else can attract a fine of up to €500. Avoid having a run-in with the law by ensuring you cover up your body when you leave the beach and head into town.